Please note that we inspect every product several times for quality prior to shipping your order. It is extremely unlikely that you receive anything less than a quality product at your door.
What is your return policy?
We have a 15-day, hassle-free return or exchange policy for any of our eyewear products and accessories. (Accessories are any non-eyewear objects we sell, except for gift cards.) If you aren’t totally satisfied with your purchase, we’ll get you set up with a full refund or an exchange within 15 days of receipt. Purchases of gift cards are non-refundable.
(Note: Refunds will be credited to the original payment method.)
If there’s any feedback you want to send our way along with your return, we’re all ears.
How do I set up a return or exchange?
If you’re eligible to return your glasses, you can arrange a return here. If you’d like to set up an exchange, email us at so we can get started on the process. We’d love to hear your feedback, too.